One Page Rule's Paper Units and Terrain

Nov 16th, 2021

B&W space terrain roughly cut out of card stock

Having finally decided on Warfleets: FTL, I, of course, printed out units and terrain for both Warfleets: FTL and Grimdark Future because I apparently must be contrarian even to my own damned self.

But I couldn’t resist. I printed out the Quickstart armies for Grimdark Future (Battle Brothers, Orc Marauders), and a bonus Vampiric Undead army from Age of Fantasy because I liked the look of ‘em and thought I could use ‘em for another GDF army if I really wanted.

Buuut my first focus is Warfleets, and after finally finding a buried link for OPR’s free B&W ships, I printed out some of OPR’s free terrain and ships (Google Drive link).

I used 110lb cardstock for this, and after spending some time wrangling two printers and then cutting pieces out… I won’t bother with 110lb cardstock again for game pieces after this. It’s a pain in the ass for the printer, if it can even handle that thick of paper. My friend’s consumer inkjet didn’t even recognize the paper, and I had to deal with a nonexistent paper jam after every sheet on my prosumer laser printer. I have 65lb paper I can use if I expand to more paper models.

The plus side to this thicker cardstock is, I’m hoping, having not tried it before, that thicker = better ability to take glue well without warping or wrinkling. I’d like to glue this onto my saved cardboard hoard collection (or go buy some foam? But really, after splurging so much at Michael’s and Blick the last month, I really should stick with “free” cardboard.

Anyway, glue. I plan on making the base out of cardboard but then also gluing the ships onto another piece of cardboard, but this time cut into the shape of the ship, and glue that onto a cardboard base. Hopefully that’ll give them some 3d feel without having to be on fragile sticks, and provide easier storage.

Gonna start with Marauders & Xenos. Did I read the fleet descriptions? Maybe. Did I mainly go off which paper ships looked the coolest? Definitely. I am totally fine using these ships for other fleets if I decide I don’t like the “characters” (“races”?) as described.